February 548

Division of Information and Use of the National Archival Fonds

Competence of the Division:

1. Providing of creation and development of traditional and electronic informational searching systems of the documents of the National Archival Fonds, preserved at the Central, Regional and Local Archives;

2. Organization of the usage of the documents of the National Archival Fonds, creation and development electronic systems of citizen’s service;

3. Organization of the work of the National Archives of Georgia in the field of use of archival documents and their publication;

4. Development and approval of the project about the admission rules to the State Property documents of the National Archival Fonds;

5. Satisfactions of the informational demands of the state authority and local self-government bodies, legal entities and physical persons, organization of the work of the reading rooms of the Central Archives and accomplishment of the social-legal questions of the foreign citizens, personal  service quality control;

6. Preparation of the exhibitions of archival documents together with the Division of Public and International Relations, ensuring to hold excursions, lectures and lessons at the National Archives of Georgia;

7. Preparation of proposals about the varieties of the services, requiring payment by the National Archives;

8. Generalization of the usage practice of the Law of Georgia about "The National Archives and the National Archival Fonds" and other legislative acts for the profiled issues of the division;

9. Determination of the current plans and the perspectives of the development of the Archival Affairs, analysis of the results of the work of Central and Local Archives;

10. Analysis of the creation of the modern systems of citizens’ service and search of the archival information of the National Archival Fonds;

11. Conducting the service qualification trainings of the staff of the National Archives and/or participate in the arrangements about profiled issues of the division;

12. Conducting the qualification trainings of the services of the National Archives for the operators of Public Service Halls, community centers and NAPR;

13. Discussion of official correspondence and preparation/reaction of the appropriate response;

14. Ensuring of other authorities as provided by the law.