January 548

The 3th International Conference - 2018

The 3th International conference of the National Archives of Georgia “Archival, Source, Antiquity Studies – Trends and Modern Challenges”was held iin 20-22 september, 2018. 

3-days conference was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the independence of Georgia.

Besides the traditional blocks, the separate direction of the conference were the topics linked with the Georgia and South Caucasus in 1918-1921, previous period of declaration of independence, emigration of the first Georgian Democratic Republic.

The conference aims to collect the scientific innovations, to bring together Georgian and foreign scientists to broaden the communication, to promote the interdisciplinary and intercultural researches to seek for the adaptation ways of the modern requests of the cultural heritage management, to share the innovations of the digital humanitarian field.

The conference covers several another scientific directions: archival studies; source studies; history/art history/ethnography; philology; restoration-conservation; cultural heritage management etc.

Conference material You can see here: https://archive.gov.ge/ge/sametsniero-publikatsiebi/erovnuli-arkivis-saertashoriso-konferentsiis-krebuli-2018-1