January 548

Fifth International Conference of the National Archives of Georgia will be held on September 24-26

The Fifth International Conference "Archival Studies, Source Studies – Trends and Challenges" of the National Archives of Georgia will be held on September 24-26 of 2020.

Regarding the anniversary dates, besides the traditional blocks, the separate directions of the conference will be the topics on 100 years since the establishment of the National Archives of Georgia and 300 years since the birth of the King Erekle II.

International Conference, orginized by the National Archives for the fifth year, consists following scientific directions: archival studies; source studies; study of antiquities; history/art history/ ethnology; philology (textual criticism/study); political science and law; intercultural communications; restoration/Conservation; digital archives and databases; cultural heritage management; Georgia and the South Caucasus in 1918-1921. The conference package foresees brief educational programs (informative lectures, electronic archives and others), held in the framework of the plenary sessions.

The goal of the conference is to collect the scientific innovations; to bring together Georgian and foreign scientists for further broadening of communication; to promote the interdisciplinary and intercultural researches; to seek for the adaptation ways of the modern requests of the Cultural Heritage Management; to share the novelties of the digital humanitarian sphere. 

For interested persons deadline for submission of abstracts is June 28, 2020.

For additional information, please, visit the Link.