January 548

The Deed of Catholicos Doroteoz III issued for Itria Church – Document of This Week

The document of the current week of the National Archives of Georgia is the deed of the Catholicos Doroteoz III donating slaves, estates and church items to Itria Church, 1589-1595 (parchment, scroll).

The miniature, painted by the artist Akaki, is attached to the document. The Virgin, as well as Catholicos Doroteoz is depicted on the miniature.

Doroteoz III was the Catholicos-Patriarch of East Georgia in around 1589-1595. According to this document Doroteoz had restored Itria church, destroyed during the invasion of Shah-Tamaz and donated slaves, estates and the church items.

The Weekly Document represents the project of the National Archives. It aims to provide the society with the information, concerning the unique and diverse materials, preserved at the archive.

To see the document, please, follow the links below:
The web page of the National Archives: http://archives.gov.ge/ge/kviris-dokumenti
The page of the National Archives in the social network: https://www.facebook.com/NationalArchivesofGeorgia