January 548

Bichvinta Cathedral, 10th Century – Weekly Document

Bichvinta Cathedra (10th century) initially represented Bichvinta Episcopal center, and afterwards, in the 14th-18th centuries Catholicate throne of the West Georgia.

The photo is preserved at the National Archives of Georgia, in the photo collection of Dimitri Ermakov (1890-1910).

The photo is published in the frame of the National Archives’ project Weekly Document.

The Weekly Document represents the project of the National Archives. It aims to provide the society with the information, concerning the unique and diverse materials, preserved at the archive.

To see the document, please, follow the links below:
The web page of the National Archives: http://archives.gov.ge/ge/kviris-dokumenti
The page of the National Archives in the social network: https://www.facebook.com/NationalArchivesofGeorgia