January 548

”Georgia on the XVI-XVIII century Dutch Maps and Gravures” - Public lecture at the National Archives

Sulkhan Saladze's public lecture, "Georgia on the XVI-XVIII century Dutch Maps and Gravures", was held in the exhibition pavilion of the National Archives of Georgia.

Sulkhan Saladze spoke about the golden age of Dutch cartography and Dutch maps and gravures related to Georgia created in the XVI-XVIII centuries preserved in his private collection, including maps of Georgia, the Caucasus, Europe, Asia, the Black Sea, empires, biblical and historical themes; The unique material provides us with interesting information about how cartographers working thousands of kilometers away saw and knew about Georgia. They clearly show the importance of the country's geographical location, the special role of the Black Sea, and Georgia's contribution to the development of European cartography.

The exhibition "Georgia on the XVI-XVIII century Dutch Maps and Gravures", where the originals of the mentioned maps and gravures are presented, will last tillMarch 16.