January 548

The 9th International Conference of the National Archives of Georgia will be held on October 10-12

The theses of those wishing to participate in the 9th International Scientific Conference "Archival Studies, Source Studies - Trends and Challenges." Are now being accepted by the National Archive of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. The dates of the event are set for October 10-12, 2024.

Individuals with academic degrees, such as masters and doctoral students, are eligible to attend the conference. They should register by July 26.

The scientific areas of the conference are as follows: philology; history, source studies, archival studies, ethnology, anthropology; science of art; culturology; digital aesthetics and design; digital archives and databases; conservation-restoration.

Click the conference page for additional details: https://archive.gov.ge/ge/ix-saertashoriso-konferentsia-1