January 548

Donation Deed to Bodorni Monastery – Document of the Week

The document of the current week of the National Archives of Georgia is the donation deed of the slaves and estate of village Khandaki to Bodorni monastery issued by Eristavi Vamik Shaburisdze and his wife Dulardukht.

The first part of the document is illuminated. Besides Our Savior and the angles Eristavi Vamik Shaburisdze and his wife Dulardukht are also depicted on the document. June 24, 1494.

The document is kept at the National Archives of Georgia, at the collection of the original old documents.   

“Document of the Week” is the project of the National Archives that aims to inform the society about the unique and various materials, preserved at the National Archives. The document is available at the website of the National Archives: http://archives.gov.ge/ge/kviris-dokumenti, as well as the social network: https://www.facebook.com/NationalArchivesofGeorgia.