February 548

Subject: Tbilisi – The Films of the National Archives at Tbilisi Film Festival

In the frames of 15th Tbilisi International Film Festival, in the section “Apollo: Film Memory” the spectator can see the documentaries, preserved at the National Archives of Georgia, today at 2.00 p.m. in cinema “Amirani”.  

The films – “Tbilisi” (director Irakli Kandelaki, 1939), “Tbilisi” (director Lana Ghoghoberidze, 1958), “Ten Minutes in the Soviet Union - Tbilisi” (director Irakli Asatiani, 1969) about Tbilisi will be presented in the second hall of “Amirani”.

The section “Apollo: Film Memory” was added to Tbilisi Film Festival this year. The aim of the section is the resurrection of the scenes from the Georgian and the foreign film memory that are less accessible for the spectators.